Designing more effective learning systems.

The Digital Youth Network focuses on three areas to enact change: Learning Platforms, Opportunity Landscaping and Mentor Development. We understand that building and sustaining healthy OST ecosystems require investments in people, organizations, technology and data.

A purpose-built solution for strengthening OST ecosystems.
Youth Centered: Allow young people to connect to relevant opportunities and document their OST journey over time.
Ecosystem Focused: Engage all stakeholders, including families, youth, providers, mentors and more.
Data Driven: Generate actionable analytics to create data informed strategies to build and sustain a healthy local OST ecosystem.
An asset-based model to ensure communities have access to quality learning opportunities.

Places: Where are the locations where learning happens? What features do these locations have?
Opportunities: What programs and events are available for young people to participate in?
People: Who are the individuals and organizations offering programs for young people?
Supports & Barriers: What helps young people to join in or keeps them from participating?

Developing the next generation of OST STEAM mentors.
Professional Development: Ongoing training and support for delivering impactful STEAM programming.
Employer Matching: Mentors are matched with partner youth serving organizations for job opportunities.
Community Focus: We recruit mentors that are from the high needs communities we serve.
What informs our model